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Type Aliases


Type Aliases


Snowflake: string



FormattingPatterns: { AnimatedEmoji: RegExp; Channel: RegExp; DefaultStyledTimestamp: RegExp; Emoji: RegExp; GuildNavigation: RegExp; LinkedRole: RegExp; Role: RegExp; SlashCommand: RegExp; StaticEmoji: RegExp; StyledTimestamp: RegExp; Timestamp: RegExp; User: RegExp; UserWithNickname: RegExp; UserWithOptionalNickname: RegExp } = ...

Type declaration

  • readonlyAnimatedEmoji: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching strictly an animated custom emoji

    The animated, name and id group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyChannel: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a channel mention

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyDefaultStyledTimestamp: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching strictly default styled timestamps

    The timestamp group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyEmoji: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a custom emoji, either static or animated

    The animated, name and id group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyGuildNavigation: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a guild navigation mention

    The type group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyLinkedRole: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a linked role mention

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyRole: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a role mention

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlySlashCommand: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a application command mention

    The fullName (possibly including name, subcommandOrGroup and subcommand) and id group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyStaticEmoji: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching strictly a static custom emoji

    The name and id group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyStyledTimestamp: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching strictly custom styled timestamps

    The timestamp and style group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyTimestamp: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a timestamp, either default or custom styled

    The timestamp and style group properties are present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyUser: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a user mention, strictly without a nickname

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression

  • readonlyUserWithNickname: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a user mention, strictly with a nickname

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression


    Passing ! in user mentions is no longer necessary / supported, and future message contents won't have it

  • readonlyUserWithOptionalNickname: RegExp

    Regular expression for matching a user mention, with or without a nickname

    The id group property is present on the exec result of this expression


    Passing ! in user mentions is no longer necessary / supported, and future message contents won't have it

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